Friday, January 02, 2009

Change Of Plans....

The Saturday before Christmas, Mark and I packed up the Yukon and headed over to spend a few days before our flight was "scheduled" to leave on the 22nd. We had a great time visiting and seeing how much Camden and Shelby have grown.

This is what we were driving into on Saturday morning....not looking like good travel weather.

Here, the kiddos are making grocery lists. (There was so much snow, we couldn't even get out to get T.P.!!)

Okay, so this isn't the most flattering photo of us, but I thought the boys would appreciate this picture that shows both Tara and I as the computer geeks we are. However, we are being crafty here. We are practicing our digital scrapbooking skills.

Here, Aunt Tara is reading the hilarious book, Olivia, to Camden and Maggie. I couldn't believe how intently they listened!

Here is Maggie in the snow, the morning that we were to fly out of Seattle.
Apparently, Seat-Tac International is not exactly prepared for this much snow-fall, and ran out of de-icer. Our plane would not be leaving on this day. We couldn't even get a new flight until the Saturday or Sunday after Christmas. Bummer. Well, let's just jump in the car and drive! It's only 1500 miles! Can you say Road Trip?