Monday, November 17, 2008

Praise God for Albuterol!

Okay, so for the last, oh.... 6 weeks or so I have been hacking up a lung or two every night at approximately 6:15 until about 7:00 every night. Now, those of you that know me know that I have a pretty high pain tolerance, which means I usually don't go see a doctor when I need to and wait until someone makes me. So, after scaring the heck out of Mark and Maggie last night, I finally called the doctor to see if what they can do about the cough. I felt kind of silly going in, considering that during the day I show no signs of my cough or any illness. I was bit worried that the kind doctor may think that I was some freakazoid that was making stuff up...(does this explain why I put off going to the doctor??) Of course, when I got there, there was no cough to be heard and when he checked my lungs he was just as confused as I was. However, he didn't think I was a freakazoid, and still prescribed me some Albuterol. I asked him if there was a way to definitely check if I had asthma or not, he said, "Well, yeah, I could send you for a series of tests. Or you can just try this tonight when you start coughing and if it works, then you have asthma. If it doesn't then we'll check for something else." Hmm. Okay, I thought. I'll try it. I picked up my prescription this afternoon and waited for 6:00 to come. At about 5:45, my cough began. I used my inhaler thingie (yes, I am now not only a computer geek, but I have an inhaler to complete the outfit...)...anyways, it is now 9:20 pm and I have not had a coughing freak-out!! Woo-hoo!! I am so thankful!! If only I had gone in 6 weeks ago when this all started......

Monday, November 10, 2008

Tagged! By Rhyan

Maggie was tagged by Rhyan, so does this make her an official Blogger? are more technologically advanced these days....
Name/Meaning: Margaret Noelle Lee.....Her first name was my maternal grandmother's name (not my favorite name, but I loved this grandma dearly...) Her middle name was our first daughter, Rebecca's, middle name. Her last name is Lee...well, duh.
Age: 3 years and 1 week
Nicknames: Maggie May, MagPie
Favorite Activities: "Playing" Wii Bowling, playing any board games especially Hi Ho Cherry-O, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and CandyLand, any puzzle, reading to Gary.
Favorite Foods: Cantelope (only from Red Robin...) Chocolate Milk, Bread and Butter Pickles, Cereal
Favorite Music: Song: Chicken Fried or Johnny and June (yes, our daughter loves Country Music!) also anything from Laurie Berkner.
Favorite toys: Train/Car tracks, her Lil People toys
What Makes Her Happy: One word.....Gary!
What Makes Her Sad: Being "forced" to do anything...especially going potty before bedtime.

Maggie tags Shelby (Tara) and Camden (Tara)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Maggie!

I can hardly believe it, but last weekend, we celebrated Maggie's 3rd Birthday. We invited close friends and family to Abbey's Pizza and filled their party room! (okay, so there was one guy up there no one knew....but he checked out okay with Mark's mom and dad.)

Here's our nephew Camden, eating his tiny little piece of cake. Tiny bite by tiny bite. :)

Maggie had a lot of helpers when she opened up her presents.

This microphone was the hit of the night. Who knew that a hollowed out piece of plastic with a spring could be so entertaining??

We feel so blessed to have had these years with Maggie. There are times that I get sad that she's getting older and she is not a baby anymore. She gets more and more independant everyday. And as her personality develops, we can see just what a great little girl that God has given us.

Happy Halloween....a little late....

Although this wasn't Maggie's first Halloween, it was her first Trick-or-Treating Halloween. This was even the first time she picked out her own costume, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She's never seen the movie. However, if you are a parent, you probably know that awhile ago McDonald's ran a Happy Meal promotion where they gave away Madame Alexander min-dolls. The theme for these dolls was The Wizard of Oz. You can guess which doll Maggie got the one time we went during that promotion . Once we saw the costume at Target, she had her mind set. Mark even splurged for the red sparkly shoes (which were probably as much as the costume...but they'll get used during the holidays...).
So, back to Halloween. Our original plan was to meet with Matt and Tara at Mark's parents house and have dinner, then take the kids out for a little trick-or-treating, just for the experience. Then, according to the plan, we were supposed to go to Westside's Fall Carnival. However, the kids were totally into the trick-or-treating experience. I think the idea of getting candy made the whole thing more enticing. We wound up trick-or-treating until the kids were too tired and houses were out of candy. What a great time!
Here's Camden and Maggie...I mean Buzz and Dorothy doing their thing.