On the Sunday of our trip, we met with some of my Aunts, Uncles and cousins down at San Diego Bay. I always like to visit with family, unfortunately, it never seems like there's enough time to visit with everyone.
Okay, okay, so I am terrible at keeping this up-to-date...but please don't give up on me!
On the Sunday of our trip, we met with some of my Aunts, Uncles and cousins down at San Diego Bay. I always like to visit with family, unfortunately, it never seems like there's enough time to visit with everyone.
Posted by Arin & Mark at 11:28 PM 1 comments
Mark and I had the, ah hem...privilege to see Weird Al at our local fair last summer and when we saw that he would be playing at the San Diego County Fair while we were there, we figured we had to go, and we had to take Cameron, too.
You see, I had no intention of going to the concert last summer, no offense, Al, just didn't have any desire to go. However, I do love my husband and thought that I should go because he wanted to go. We almost didn't get to go last summer, but thanks to some friends of ours who saved us some seats (the concert was free), we were able to see it. I have to say, this guy is a great performer! He really did put on great show and was very entertaining.
So, when the opportunity came to see him and take our nephew with us, we had to do it. Mark introduced Cameron to Weird Al when Cam was only about 3 or 4 years old. Cam was infatuated with Star Wars and Weird Al had just come out with a few Star Wars parody songs, Cam loved them. We had to play them over and over again any time he was in the car with us. When we asked Cam if he wanted to go to the concert he was so excited. When we go to the concert, he was so excited. He decided he had to call one of his friends to gloat about being there, and lo and behold his friend was sitting in the same box seat section that we were, just 2 rows behind us! Thousands of people at this concert, and this kid and his family are within the 25 or so in our box. Amazing. Needless to say, that made Cam's night even better. Good Times.
Posted by Arin & Mark at 11:11 PM 2 comments
This is Maggie and her cousins, Cameron, 13, Blake, 6 and Kayla, 5. We took Cameron to see Weird Al. We all had a great time. Cam even talked Mark into going onto a few "fun" fair rides. :) Uncle Mark is SO cool! :) hahaha
Posted by Arin & Mark at 10:38 PM 0 comments
After walking around a bit, my parents decided they had had enough walking (if you ever go, prepare to walk...a lot!!!) and they waited for us up at the Merry-Go-Round outside the park. Mark and I took Maggie on the sky buckets to go see the polar bears, which are a must-see at the zoo. Walking into the exhibit, you could sense the polar bears were having fun, because the viewing area was packed with on-lookers. The bears were definitely putting on a show, playing with their toys and rolling around in the water.
Posted by Arin & Mark at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Posted by Arin & Mark at 9:40 PM 0 comments