Monday, November 17, 2008

Praise God for Albuterol!

Okay, so for the last, oh.... 6 weeks or so I have been hacking up a lung or two every night at approximately 6:15 until about 7:00 every night. Now, those of you that know me know that I have a pretty high pain tolerance, which means I usually don't go see a doctor when I need to and wait until someone makes me. So, after scaring the heck out of Mark and Maggie last night, I finally called the doctor to see if what they can do about the cough. I felt kind of silly going in, considering that during the day I show no signs of my cough or any illness. I was bit worried that the kind doctor may think that I was some freakazoid that was making stuff up...(does this explain why I put off going to the doctor??) Of course, when I got there, there was no cough to be heard and when he checked my lungs he was just as confused as I was. However, he didn't think I was a freakazoid, and still prescribed me some Albuterol. I asked him if there was a way to definitely check if I had asthma or not, he said, "Well, yeah, I could send you for a series of tests. Or you can just try this tonight when you start coughing and if it works, then you have asthma. If it doesn't then we'll check for something else." Hmm. Okay, I thought. I'll try it. I picked up my prescription this afternoon and waited for 6:00 to come. At about 5:45, my cough began. I used my inhaler thingie (yes, I am now not only a computer geek, but I have an inhaler to complete the outfit...)...anyways, it is now 9:20 pm and I have not had a coughing freak-out!! Woo-hoo!! I am so thankful!! If only I had gone in 6 weeks ago when this all started......