In March, we finally decided it was time to take Maggie to get her first haircut. I had put it off from fear of losing her blonde curls. (MANY people told me she would lose them once we had her haircut.) And, since Maggie's hair had become a tangled mess, I wasn't quite sure how she would like someone messing with her hair. She wasn't too happy when I did it, would she let someone else do it??
Well, after building up the big haircut to Maggie, we arrived at Monkey-Dooz, the local children's haircut place. Maggie was such a big-girl! She jumped right into her jeep-chair and did not scream or anything! (Mom was a little anxious, however.) I think it helped that our daughter loves to see herself in the mirror, and she just watched the nice lady fix her hair.
Other than learning that I don't have to assume that my daughter will freak-out about everything, I also learned a new hair trick. Maggie's "hairstyles" had become pretty routine ponytails, I would occasionaly change it up by placing them in a different spot. :) However, the hair stylist taught me a pretty cool way to do Maggie's hair that I have passed on to other mom's I know. Who would have thought that I would be teaching someone else how to do hair??????????A First Haircut AND a New Bed???

Since Mommy was practicing "letting go," Daddy thought he would push one more thing that we had been putting off. Maggie needed to get out of the crib and into a "big girl" bed. So, why not do it the same day as the haircut? :) I took Maggie to the store, where she picked out these Dora sheets while Daddy put the bed together. Maggie was very excited, Mommy was very nervous! Mommy had visions of Maggie coming out of the room every 5 minutes needing something, or even just staying up ALL NIGHT to play. Well, neither of those things happened and has not happened since Maggie started sleeping in her bed. Mark and I know that God has truly blessed us with a wonderful sleeper. She won't even get out of bed in the morning, until we go in to get her.
Blessed, really blessed.
that's how ella sleeps too. completely surrounded by any toy she can manage to drag into bed with her. I always wonder how she can possibly sleep that way!
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