Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Hunting Will We Go

Today we drove up the mountain with the Golbeks and another family to go find the perfect Christmas tree. It was definitely a Griswold experience from start to finish.

The start of the trip started off nicely enough. Maggie was excited to ride in her "boat", and despite the temperature (about 23 degrees), it was a beautiful day.

As the morning progressed, Maggie and Mommy were not so excited to be trudging through the snow. Maggie, who really doesn't weigh enough for the sled, kept falling off. And Mommy, well, let's just say she was done in about 10 minutes.

However, we finally found two trees that were in the running for our perfect tree. Maggie was happy to get out of her sled and help Daddy shake the snow off the trees.

Here's Mark, the Master Tree Hunter, cutting down our little ol' tree.

Of course, we have the smallest vehicle there, and the biggest tree. The guys couldn't stop laughing as they attempted to tie the tree to the top of our van.

Here, the finished product. We definitely received some stares driving back down the highway into town.

Maggie was a little tired, it was already an hour past her nap time. This picture was taken at 2:08 pm.

This picture was taken at 2:16 pm. She was so tired, I guess that's what good fresh air will do to you!

Back at home, Mark untied the tree and got out the measuring tape. Our little ol' tree measured over 15 and half feet tall!! We knew it was big, but didn't think it was quite that big. Our ceilings are 11 and half feet tall, so we had to cut over 5 feet off of the tree. We got busy putting lights on it, so that Maggie will have a beautiful Christmas tree to wake up to tomorrow.

Here is the final product, sans ornaments.


Heather said...
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Heather said...

What a great story. That's funny.
I love your pics.
Maggie is sooo cute!!!
We had to go ALL the way to the garage to get our tree.
It was NOT snowing.
The box the tree was in said "Top of tree is in another box".
Of course I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked in every box in the garage, dug through the entire shed & even traveled ALL the way over to Grandma Dorothy's to look through her sheds, garage & closets. I clearly remember writing in BIG, BOLD, BLACK sharpie "Top of the Christmas Tree" all over the box so we would find it easily. HA!!!
I was getting extremely frustrated because we can't afford to go buy a real tree. You know how when you are desperate to find something, you never can find it???
After about 2 days of looking, (while the kids were asking, "When are we going to put our tree up???" about a thousand times a day!!!) I finally found it on a shelf, easily accessible, in the very front of our shed. Right in front of my face. I guess I didn't write all over the box, but only on one side. It was turned around so the writing was toward the wall.


Blake wants to know if we can celebrate "a-harmonica" too! You know you get a present a day for 8 days if you do!!!

Tyffany said...

That is a huge tree yall!

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