Sunday, July 08, 2007

Camping With Maggie

We decided to go camping for Mark's birthday this year. We went with our good friends, Tim and Tyffany and their kids, TJ and Avarie. Some other friends came up on Saturday and spent the day with us, but our two families were the only ones brave (or silly) enough to stay the night with our kids.

After spending most of the afternoon screaming, Maggie finally passed out in our tent. The other times she needed to sleep, Mark and I had to lay down with her and pretend to sleep, just to get her to do the same. How exhausting!! There went any hope of staying up with our friends to play games....oh well. Maybe next year, but then again...maybe we'll just get a sitter.
This is a picture of all of us that went to Lake Tipsu (?) just outside of Mt. Rainier. It was a beautiful day for a hike and the older kids got to play in the snow (yes, snow in July!!).