Thursday, March 04, 2010
Poor Little Thing
Posted by Arin & Mark at 9:02 PM 3 comments
Lotsa Pictures
Posted by Arin & Mark at 8:46 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Which is Which?

Posted by Arin & Mark at 8:20 PM 5 comments
Friday, November 06, 2009
Is She Really Four??
Posted by Arin & Mark at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Can You Believe It??
Posted by Arin & Mark at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by Arin & Mark at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 02, 2009
Where Did I Leave Off....?
For Father's Day, Mark and his brother Matt took Maggie and Matt's son, Camden, to a Mariner's Game. Afterwards, they got to run the bases. Mark and Matt felt that the kids needed some adult supervision and snuck their way into the line of kids, as well. :)
Mark's parents came over on the Fourth of July and we had a nice BBQ on our patio. Grandpa Mike bought this cool water toy that we got to enjoy on our nice grass. Maggie didn't want to try it at first and convinced Mark to crawl through it with her. Maggie loves her little sister a lot and is always asking me if Courtney can sit next to her. This is about the time that Maggie picked up her new "smile" that she has for the camera.
Posted by Arin & Mark at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Photo Up-Chuck....I Mean Up-Load....
Over a couple of weekends in June, Mark put in this great patio in our backyard. It was a great place over the summer to sit in the shade and have some bbq's with family.
Matt and Tara came over with Camden and Shelby in June and we had some family pictures taken. It is so nice to have 3 Lee men with some fancy cameras that can take great pictures!!
Okay, so this was a bit staged by us, parents, but still, it turned out pretty darn cute!!
I really liked how nice this picture turned out. Maybe we'll use it for Christmas cards....Although Courtney has gotten considerably bigger since this was taken!
Okay, so this isn't all of my pictures that I need to catch up on, and we took some great pictures of Maggie last night (for Halloween) and we had a baby-fest photo-op tonight so I am determined to get them up ASAP. So...stay tuned! :)
Posted by Arin & Mark at 9:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Posted by Arin & Mark at 10:18 PM 1 comments
Courtney Marie
Posted by Arin & Mark at 9:46 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Phone Call
Well, yesterday I got the call I have been dreading for a few weeks. I knew it was coming, but still wasn't quite prepared. My mom called and told me the results of my dad's last doctor's appointment. Cancer of the Bladder. With this diagnosis, there is good and bad. The good part is that all of his scans show that the cancer is contained in his bladder, and actually can come out in urine. So, they are very optimistic that once the tumor is removed, the cancer will be as well. The bad part is that Bladder Cancer frequently reoccurs. Which means that my dad will be subjected to some really fun testing every 3 to 6 months, probably forever. Apparently, he is thankful that Polariod Cameras aren't used as the doctor's camera of choice.
Now my one concern (and I'm hoping my parents don't mind that I'm talking about this in "public") is that both of my parents smoke. From what I have seen regarding Cancer of the Bladder, smoking is a major contributor to this particular type of cancer, and can interfere with cancer treatments that a patient is given. So, if someone has smoked for as long as my parents have, and you are dealt with this kind of diagnosis, how is it possible to quit smoking? Now, I am not judging them because they smoke, those that know me well, know I have done far worse things than smoke a cigarrette. Besides, it's not my job to judge. It's my job to love them, pray for them, and support them in whatever way I can. I just worry that my Dad will go through whatever treatments he needs to to get rid of this cancer, only to have it continue to return because of smoking.
Well, I'll keep you posted whenever I hear anything more and would appreciate any prayers.
Posted by Arin & Mark at 8:18 AM 2 comments