Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Which is Which?

I couldn't wait until Courtney could fit into this little sleeper and be able to take picture of her and compare her to Maggie. Everyone is always asking me if Courtney looks like Maggie did. I honestly wasn't sure. Until I did this little experiment.....
Can you tell which is which?

Friday, November 06, 2009

Is She Really Four??

Our little girl turned four this week. It was really strange, thinking back on the last 4 years. Four years ago, we were living in California, I was working at on OBGYN office and Mark was still in sheet metal construction. Maggie was born and soon after, we were on our way back to Washington. Now, Mark is working for the DOT, I'm teaching 5th grade, we have a 6 month old daughter and our "little girl," Maggie is in preschool. Maggie is such a great little girl! She is so bright and articulate, and has the best sense of humor. She loves to tease Mark, and is a great big sister. We are truly blessed that God chose us to be her parents and look forward to continuing to watch her grow.

One of Maggie's favorite gifts was from Grandma and Grandpa. It's a Princess tent and sleeping bag set. She was so excited that she had to have it set up and she really wanted to use it in bed that night. In the picture above, she is posing for a picture for Grandma. Once she fell asleep, I took the picture that you see below...

Can You Believe It??

This year, there were 7 of us ladies at church that were pregnant. We were all surprised and shocked as each one of us found out that we were all carrying girls.

Trying to get 7 babies, from 3 to 9 months old, to "sit" on the couch without falling over was pretty comical.

From L-R, Livia, Rynn, Rene, Courtney, Ally, Lylah and Grace

Courtney wasn't quite sure what to make of all of this.


Courtney was a little flower for Halloween. I found this little sleeper at Wal-Mart and couldn't pass it up. Knowing that she was going to be in the carseat or the Bjorn all night, I didn't think I needed to spend a ton of money on a costume for her.

This year, Maggie wanted to be a pretty pink fairy for Halloween. I was a little nervous, because, as a child, I was always scary things and wasn't quite sure how to do the whole "pretty" thing for her.  As I started picking up things for her costume, I was more and more excited about it. I think I had as much fun "decorating" her as she did being the fairy. (And, yes, those are tattoos on her face.... )

Bath Time to School Time

Maggie loves her little sister.

Courtney at 3 months.

Maggie, on her first day at school.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Where Did I Leave Off....?

For Father's Day, Mark and his brother Matt took Maggie and Matt's son, Camden, to a Mariner's Game. Afterwards, they got to run the bases. Mark and Matt felt that the kids needed some adult supervision and snuck their way into the line of kids, as well. :)

Of course, Maggie enjoyed all aspects of the game, from cheering on the team and eating lots of tasty snacks.
Fourth of July

Mark's parents came over on the Fourth of July and we had a nice BBQ on our patio. Grandpa Mike bought this cool water toy that we got to enjoy on our nice grass. Maggie didn't want to try it at first and convinced Mark to crawl through it with her. Maggie loves her little sister a lot and is always asking me if Courtney can sit next to her. This is about the time that Maggie picked up her new "smile" that she has for the camera.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Photo Up-Chuck....I Mean Up-Load....

Okay, so I was getting a bit razzed by Tyffany tonight, so here are some pictures from the last 5.9 months.... :)

Shortly after Courtney was born, it was time for some Maggie and Mommy time. I took Maggie to Monkey-Dooz for a haircut and a manicure. Maggie was very excited to have her nails done, and it was fun to do something special with her.

We took Maggie and Courtney to the WestFest at the end of May. It was way too hot for us all to be outside, but Maggie liked riding the pony, so we stayed for about an hour.

Here is a picture of Courtney when she was just a month old. She is definitely too cute!!

Over a couple of weekends in June, Mark put in this great patio in our backyard. It was a great place over the summer to sit in the shade and have some bbq's with family.

Matt and Tara came over with Camden and Shelby in June and we had some family pictures taken. It is so nice to have 3 Lee men with some fancy cameras that can take great pictures!!

Okay, so this was a bit staged by us, parents, but still, it turned out pretty darn cute!!

I really liked how nice this picture turned out. Maybe we'll use it for Christmas cards....Although Courtney has gotten considerably bigger since this was taken!

Okay, so this isn't all of my pictures that I need to catch up on, and we took some great pictures of Maggie last night (for Halloween) and we had a baby-fest photo-op tonight so I am determined to get them up ASAP. So...stay tuned! :)