Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day With Camden

Earlier this month, Mark took Maggie on a Saturday to spend the day with Matt and Camden. They had a great time playing at the park with their cameras. Oh yeah, and they played with the kids, too! :)

I'm not sure who took this picture of Camden, but it was too cool to leave out!

The guys tried to get a group shot of the cousins, but neither of the kids would stick around long enough for a good picture. I thought this was pretty cute of Maggie checking in on Baby Shelby.

Mark's New Toy

Well, Mark has a new camera. I can't believe it, but he won it through some photography magazine he subscribes to. My first thought was, "So, you can sell one of your other ones, right?" (He has about 5 now.) "Well, no. Because I use them for different things", he said. Hm. Okay. At least this one was free.

It does take some pretty cool pictures. Okay, so maybe it's the photographer that is good, too, I guess.
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Leapin' Lizards!

Maggie likes to jump off of things. It makes for great pictures for dad, and a small heart-attack for Mom. Although, I don't look too concerned here, do I?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday, Camden!

To celebrate cousin Camden's birthday, we all gathered at Tara's parents house in Grandview. It was a beautiful spring day! The kids had a great time playing outside together. Notice how Maggie doesn't think much about leaping off the platform, whereas Camden, just as brave, took a few seconds to assess the situation. I'm guessing Maggie will be the first of the two to break a bone!

Parents can be so silly when requesting presents for their children! :) We couldn't pass up getting this "fun in a drum" set for Camden. (It was on their wish-list!) The drum was quickly filled with tissue paper to make a more muted drum sound.

I have to give my sister-in-law a HUGE thumbs up for this really cool Dump-Truck cake! She made "dirt" cake and filled the back of the dump truck with it. It was VERY cool!!